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المواضيع الأخيرة

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المواضيع الأخيرة

» ملكية الأراضي الزراعية بالجزائر في القرن التاسع عشر
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» انجولا وحظر الاسلام (1)
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» التفسير الاقتصادي للتاريخ
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» كرسي العناد ........ السلطة سابقا
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» بعض الفروق السياسية بين المجلس العسكري الي حكم مصر بعد الثورة وبين الاخوان لما وصلوا للحكم
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التبادل الاعلاني

التبادل الاعلاني

    بحث مؤتمر البيئة والأمان الصحي


    عدد المساهمات : 461
    نقاط : 881
    السٌّمعَة : 3
    تاريخ التسجيل : 09/08/2009
    العمر : 34
    الموقع : جديلة

    بحث مؤتمر البيئة والأمان الصحي Empty بحث مؤتمر البيئة والأمان الصحي

    مُساهمة من طرف khaled الأربعاء نوفمبر 25, 2009 12:32 am

    The indiscriminate extension of the population and its impact on the degradation of agricultural soil.(A case study of an Egyptian village)

    * Dr : Mohamed Salem Ibrahim Salem Maklad Assistant Professor of Human Geography, Department
    Of Social Studies, Faculty of Education, Mansoura University.


    Since its inception, the Egyptian village has characterized by the high population density, and urbanization occupied only a few of low productivity lands, leaving the best to be cultivated. That has continued for succession decades in equivalence between the quantity of population and agricultural land until the end of the fifth decade of the twentieth century, with accumulation of an unprecedented population. During that era, the extension Urban has been increased, as a result of: first, the changes that have taken place in the hierarchy of agricultural holdings after the agrarian reform law. Second, the displacement of agricultural labor to the petroleum Arab countries after the War of 1973 ,significant development in the network of agricultural roads, railways, development of educational services and the proliferation of regional universities and the intensification of migration from the countryside to the cities. In addition, a noticeable refreshment in estate market and increasing the demand for residential units and the development of the building materials industry(1).That urbanization has resulted in erosion of the agricultural land, which necessitated the intensification of agriculture to achieve a degree of development, which was accompanied by significant environmental degradation on agricultural land. Through this search, we will introduce a case study of the random urbanization along with the heavy population pressure and its impact on soil degradation through historical and objective study of a selected Egyptian village to illustrate such phenomenon . Through the inductive approach and historical approach.

    Stages of population development and its impact on the pressure on agricultural land:

    The ancient Egyptian human had Known a rural stable life in his civilization after the demise of the unsuitable urban places for natural or social conditions, such as a transition of the Nile waterway, the flood, erosion and inundation, earthquakes or volcanoes, migration(2)The main concern of the population was to improve the appropriate position to be protected by lifting the areas of the villages industrially (the villages of the hill or heap) to be free from the risk of flooding, especially in the villages of the Nile Delta because of the uneven surface and the constant threat of flood risks, because villages was like islands in a broad sea during the flood-time, as this was expressed by Herodotus' description, for reaching neighboring villages or the capital of the region and the status of services and sources of water and nearby fields(3) . The ancient Egyptian usually occupies position of less fertile territory for the provision and management of the most fertile land for agriculture and production. And so he had been practiced the complex and heavy construction communities since the Stone Age and modern with agricultural nature in ancient Egypt, in order to provide protection against environment of serious hostile. Also, he exercised in a woody or swampy environment that need a collective force, not the individual family or group of small number of individuals in addition to benefit from the experiences of farming systems and new ideas to add the enjoyment of a satisfactory social life in the village community . Social benefits may be achieved in the past ,combined with the construction that still existence in the modern era(4) .
    Egyptian villages, has seemed to be, generally, from the outset and despite of the long centuries of large-scale along the valley and the Delta, and unaffected by the clear problem of population pressure on farmland, as is the case in modern Egypt, which doubled the population of the villages several times until they can be considered cities according to the standard-sized, If we know that the population of some villages today, sometimes more than 50 thousand people on a few of them exceeded 100 thousand people(5). If we back, Diodore Elsicily estimated villages and cities of Egypt between 60-57 BC by about seven million The people's appreciation of the Egyptian Paranoiac was before 12.7 million people. Subsequently, Waleed bin Rvaap Fahmy(6), estimated them by about 14 million people, and the first modern estimation was by Jumard(7)who estimated population of Egypt by about 2.488.950 inhabitants(Cool. Egypt's population has entered a new era with the era of Mohamed Ali, which is characterized by the availability of factors of growth and prosperity, health services and the decline in mortality rate. It seems that the population has not increased significantly in the first twenty years during the rule of Muhammad Ali, when the youths of the country have been mobilized in the army and fleet, in addition to epidemics and the plagues which attacked the country, periodicity once every ten years - the last one was in 1840. After the agricultural revolution began in 1833 following the establishment of Charitable Archway and converting part of the Delta for permanent irrigation and the introduction of the summery crops that has changed the direction of the agricultural economy from the type of food such as wheat and, legumes to cash crops such as cotton and sugar cane. Despite of the increase in population that indicated in estimations that there was a general feeling of lack of population. Even in agriculture there was complaining of the lack of labor, despite the fact that the unprecedented 19-century has witnessed a long situation of peace after the wars of Muhammad Ali, however, they have also witnessed a situation of economic recession, when Muhammad Ali had closed his factories and ended his monopsony , the agriculture did not affect so that the implementation of irrigation and cultivation of cotton and sugar cane have been absorbed by the demobilized soldiers and required more of the population and soon, chances was perceived to some of European consuls to bring some of the Europeans to exploit the land, which doubled the size of the crisis is the withdrawal of a large number of labor agricultural land and put them at the digging of the Suez Canal in the period between 1856-1863(9).
    In the era of Ismail, Egypt has been given the aspects of Western civilization such as the eradication of pests and Egyptian diseases and increasing the level of the health, reduction in mortality rates, in the conditions of agricultural development and implementation of major irrigation projects, the population increased steadily by an average of 29% in 1882 and 12%in 1912(10). Klerand estimated that the population was equal to the agricultural production in 1914 after the area of agricultural land, remained about 5.5 million acres ,and there was only little increase since then , that the area of crops have increased only to about 10%, while the population increased by about 33% in the period between 1912-1937(11). It should be noted that the population jumped from about 5 million to 30 million people in less than a century, it had doubled six times in less than a hundred years .This increase is unprecedented and unnatural in ancient country like Egypt ,as it is not a new opened country for immigration or has a recent industrial revolution like the east of Europe .However ,German did not double in a century, but about three times compared with less than three times to Britain and two and a half to Italy and only one and half to France during the same period(12). The population has jumped to more than 38 million people during the 1976 census and then to more than 48 million in the 1986 census and increased to about 60 million in 1996 and reached about 72 million people during the 2006 census.
    The important thing is realizing that, about 98.5% of the total population live on the old valley and the Delta compared to 1.5% only on the border provinces, meaning that Egypt's population mired in the Valley and the Delta and they was not able to penetrate the desert yet. Until year of 2006, the provinces of the border have not been able to relieve the pressure of population on the dense of population of the Valley and the Delta, if we know that the governorates of Greater Cairo has attracted 52.9% of the total internal migration in Egypt and about 14.5% of the provinces of the Canal and about 16.7% of the provinces of Lower Egypt, and the desert border provinces has absorbed only 5.2% of the total internal migration in 2006(13).
    Pressure on the cultivated land in the valley and the delta is difficult to find like it in the world where more than 70 million people live on an area of 8.6 million acres, while Previously, the area was about 5 million people live on 5.5 million acres before the features of the population problem became clear now. Rampant urban sprawl of the population on the valley and the Delta is inevitable and real, as a result of continued population growth on the Valley and Delta, which comes with ambitions, wants to achieve on agricultural land, including the physical and the residential aspects and tailored services to the age, as the widening of streets and provide a certain limit of service. in spite of the laws that the State has initiated, urbanization of towns and villages is continuous since the beginning of the twentieth century and so far(14),The most important of these laws: Law No. 53 of 1966 which regulates the exploitation of farmland, and the emendation of the previous Act No. 116 of 1983 and Act No. 59 of 1979 of urban planning and depart the city limits and to maintain fertile agricultural soils and the Law 2 of 1985 to ensure that the necessary action against harmful practices such as dredging and the infringement of the farmland .Urban expansion is estimated at the level of the various agricultural areas, which ranging from 30 to 60 thousand acres per year or between 0.35% to 0.70% of the total valley The Fertile Delta that grown annually, although as far as the average price of a farmland carat on the valley and the old Delta is about 15.000 pounds ,so the cost of space that has been cut off by the extension of the random building on agricultural land between 11 to 22 billion pounds annually and that price of this amount would use to repair a new agricultural area of between 440 thousand to 880 thousand acres of new Egyptian land reclamation, and these figures, according to estimation of a group of experts (15). The cost of environmental degradation in Egypt does not stop at that, it is estimated in 1999 by about 3.2-6.4% of Total domestic income with an average cost of 4.8% and the cost of soil degradation is between 1-1.4% as a result of soil erosion and salinity compared to the cost of air pollution is between 1.1 -2.3% and cost of water resources damage is between 0.7-1.2% ,and that of poor management of waste water is 0.2% can be said that the estimates of the cost of environmental degradation in Egypt, is equal to or exceed the annual rate of development, in addition to the cost of treatment. These figures are very high ,and more than the figures recorded in industrialized countries due to the high rate of disability mortality, and disease that combined with the lack of safe water, adequate sewage, proper health habits and lack of fresh air, in addition to the loss of productivity, that combined with the deterioration of soil which holds a significant proportion of Total domestic income, and in particular, the share of agriculture in Total domestic income was much larger in Egypt than it is in the high-income countries(16).

    The population effect on The indiscriminate extension :

    At first sight, it is clear that the role of population pressure in urban sprawl will continue because of the nature of the large population size - which seems to be effective on the Egyptian village - and in increasing the demand for housing and growth that becomes a function of size and fit it in direct proportion, as is the case in the most detailed studies that prove that the greatest places is the most developed ones in terms of population (17) an figure (1)(18) and table (1) :

    1 – Phase I : up to the year 1934, where morphology of village seems to be amorphous, although, recent amendments have happened. However, the
    lack of regularity of roads has revealed that. The most important and what distinguishes it ,is a group of construction blocks and a mosque in the middle and it has many of the streets from the outside to inside. Residents of the village in 1927 was about 7650 people, which is large size of population but the urbanization was limited during this phase, which stood at 25.5 acres or 1.03% of the area of the village. did not exceed the average per capita to 14 square meters, because of the high degree of overcrowding (degree of overcrowding is measured by the average number of people per room), in addition to narrow streets. In the life of a jointly social community of low consumption for water and energy, the average per capita from agricultural land has increased to .32 acres(19) Rule of the feudal had helped in that because most of the property of agricultural land was, "65%" in the hands of 5.7% of the property and before 1952 (before the issuance of the Agrarian Reform Act 1952 No. 178 which defines the individual ownership of the 200 acres at the most(20).
    2 - Phase II : up to 1960 village has expanded residentially at the expense of agricultural land, bypassing the point of "surrounded Street", (which surrounds the perimeter of the housing) in all directions, and this stage has appeared after the control of the water of the Nile River through archways and dams. During this phase, urban centers has abandoned its cautions and has grown radiological, adding physical spaces deducted a large part of adjacent agricultural land ,as growth on the main roads and canals. The State has no role to stop or restrict it. As a result of the absence of long-term sketch ,this situation continued until recently(21) The urban sprawl has taken place at the east and west direction on the rail line and Shebin sea With limited growth in the direction of north where the growth was away from the engineering center of the village.
    The constructional areas reached about 65.5 acres. Or 256% from the previous phase and with an annual growth rate of 11.2% per capita of construction increased to about 23.3 meters, as there was a clear constructional encroachment on agricultural land. We realized that the average per capita has increased to 66% over the Previous period(22).
    3 - phase III: which continued until 1985, and is truly stage on adjacent agricultural explosive land in all directions, bypassing all the obstacles(23). And this period coincided with the spread of first construction in the form of scattered tracts in the center of agricultural land, on main roads , Pestles and borders of agricultural area and then destroy agricultural areas that adjacent to constructional areas that would be similar to the unused ground, , in light of fragmentation of the agricultural holding, with the operations of inheritance of agricultural land, and divided among the heirs, as well as results of the Agrarian Reform Act(24).
    This occurred by the help of the relation between farmers and agricultural land that made fundamental changes of the estrangement relationship which makes them easy to compromise with any high financial offer. Some political of governmental organizations affects, indirectly or directly,in the promotion of attacking on agricultural land and speed adjustments to be suitable for other alternative uses which is not ideal, but profitable. that has been achieved through unbalanced legislation, in the agricultural field of the Agricultural system and the relationship between landlord and tenant and the foundations of marketing and other figure (2)(25) . With the end of this stage, constructional areas have reached about 414 acres, or about 5.3 times. This shows the extension of the constructional sprawl of the large population of the village which is 24 thousand inhabitants in 1985 .. meaning that constructional growth was
    more than the previous period, thereby the urban population density has reduced and the average per capita of the urban area is increased to 72.45 square meters(26).
    4 - Phase IV: extended until 1996, in which, the urban area has reached 645,27 acres, up from the previous period by about 59%,when the number of the villagers was about 31 thousand people, the average per capita urban areas was 89.93 square meters, yet Urban sprawl at this stage is less than the previous phase, in view of the law No. (1) for 1996 according to the Presidential Decree no 11 of 1996 to appointment of General the Deputy Military Governor to investigate that(27).
    5 - Phase V: extended until the year 2006, in which the urban area has increased to 857.7 acres ,on which, live about 39179 people. This means that urban area increased to 33% from the previous phase, during which, the average per capita of Urban area increased to about 91.9 square meters(28).

    Random Manifestations of urban sprawl and population in the village:

    random manner of constructional stages of the village became clear, like almost of the Egyptian villages around, Prevailing the new areas or those of poor planning ,beside a rebellion against any social , construction and environment standards(29) Two factors has helped in the rule of random extension :
    * Illegal construction growth by the encroachment on agricultural land or ,sometimes ,on the property of the State, with a lack of interest on the laws of construction of which control the width of streets to present a degree of ventilation and a place for the passage of the infrastructure.
    * Recognition by the State to such slums and provide it with the various facilities required after that.
    Through the observation of the village, it has been explained ,in various stages of urban sprawl and sovereignty of high buildings which is the average height of 4 floors or more, but no more than four meters in the capacity of the street, although that the proportion occupied by the streets is an important indicators for measuring the degree of arbitrariness, as they are related to availability of the ventilation of building , as it is related to the associated rise of the building, where the width of streets is tied to the height and the building in direct, and this is stipulated in the laws that regulate the building when it acknowledged that the height = (1.5*street) + 2 m (30)
    Any violation of this law is a degree of arbitrariness, also it has been observed in the field study that signs of this law has not come actually into the village, until the end of 2008 indiscriminate has been clarified through aerial photographs as (1), where mismanagement of old or modern streets , which erosion on the main roads, leaving the old heart of the residential

    block and the narrow, sometimes, old neglected building that are rebuilt randomly, usually without the intervention of the supervisors

    Population pressure on agricultural land In the village sample :
    (Mahalet abu ali) village Stricken from the population pressure on agricultural land,like the rest of the villages and cities of the valley and delta in Egypt, When the per capita Reached about 2.87 carats "Egyptian Average" , from agricultural land, per capita Reached in the village (Mahalet abu ali) one carat, in 2006 Census, or about 34.84% from per capita of Egypt only, As shown in Table (1) and Figure (2 ). The reason of that is the village a suburb of Mahalla al-Kubra city , And the village is now experiencing declining in the area of agricultural land , As a result of construction, whether urban buildings, or service buildings , Which is resorted to by many residents of Mahalla al-Kubra. Who find housing in the village, which is a solution to their problems which they found in the city of Mahalla al-Kubra.
    * The number of people in the village ()Increased more than 5 times, the last two periods it was more growth of population, as shown in Table (1), and less in periods of population growth, the period (1927 - 1960) , Which reached the annual growth rate of population is 1.3% only,On the contrary, we find that the per capita arable land decreased from 7.83 carats / capita, during the period 27/1934 to one carat during the period 1996 / 2006. * Based on the foregoing, in the rate of annual per capita of agricultural land in the village ()is decreasing, from first stage to another, the highest rates in the final phase , per capita from agricultural land declined during last phase about -3% per year, the lowest rates Reaching was in the period (1927 - 1960) by -1.36% annually, due to the continuous urban encroachment on agricultural land, which was accompanied by increasing per capita urban area, from one phase to another, As is evident from the * The number of people in the village ()Increased more than 5 times, the last two periods it was more growth of population, as shown in Table (1), and less in periods of population growth, the period (1927 - 1960) , Which reached the annual growth rate of population is 1.3% only,On the contrary, we find that the per capita arable land decreased from 7.83 carats / capita, during the period 27/1934 to one carat during the period 1996 / 2006. .
    * Based on the foregoing, in the rate of annual per capita of agricultural land in the village ()is decreasing, from first stage to another, the highest rates in the final phase , per capita from agricultural land declined during last phase about -3% per year, the lowest rates Reaching was in the period (1927 - 1960) by -1.36% annually, due to the continuous urban encroachment on agricultural land, which was accompanied by increasing per capita urban area, from one phase to another, As is evident from the table (1) and figure (1B), per capita Increased from 14 meters / capita to 91.9 meters / capita, during the period (1934 to 2006) due to the following: - one house Did not have to enough more than one family, as was the case in the past.
    - The desire of rural residents in urbanization, through the increase in opportunities for development in the countryside, and the need for additional facilities, which arise on agricultural land. The Village's (Mahalet abo ali) Witness urban sprawl on agricultural land now, to provide Facilities of service activities and economic for the people of Mahalla al-Kubra, along the vital roads and canals that pass through the village. With the population pressure on agricultural land, there is an objective that must be achieved by cultivating the land, the crops which people need in the village, as well as filling a need more residents of the city of Mahalla al-Kubra , by vegetables, and therefore causing the misuse of agricultural soils, and works on the degradation .
    Affects of the pressure of the construction on deterioration of agricultural soil of village:

    until year of 2006 the volume of population mass amounted to 34.6% of the cultivated area of the village in 1934, up from about 33.6%, declining per capita of land during this period from, 0.32 acres to 0.63 acres and in 2006 (1.5 carats/person only). this has led to this unprecedented population pressure on limited planted area to try to increase the agricultural work for the highest productivity possible, and that through the use of illegal inevitable methods led to degradation of agricultural soils and this is reflected in the following phenomena:
    First: One of the reasons for the increasing in population and the continuing lack of agricultural land is necessary to resort to the cultivation of rice in the highly productive rice barley, that leaves behind it rice straw that represent 70% of the volume of agricultural wastes(31) This has coincided with a recent period ,in which the rural community has used oil and electricity instead of using rice straw as bio fuel, which led to the accumulation of 3.5 million tons of rice straw after the harvest season in Egypt (only from 300 to 400 thousand tons, is used) while the remainder was a heavy burden that the farmer must be disposed of to the need of local farmers to evacuate the land and must be prepared for the next crop, forcing the burning of rice straw on agricultural land, which result in:
    * Rapid transformation of organic matter by the high soil temperature during combustion and this item plays a key role in linking the grains of soil with each other, and improves the physical qualities of the soil ,that burning leads the destruction of soil fertility.
    Also the burning lead to lose an important agricultural material that can produce Silica Gel, Activated Carbon, and chemical analysis. The research team showed that rice straw is composed of 37% Sleloz, Hemesleloz 23%, 17% of lejenin, 15% Celika, 3% organic extracts, and 5% ash (32).
    The burning of rice straw causes in the high proportion of, carbon monoxide gas and other harmful elements, which condenses to reach 900 micro g / m3 in the area of burning and remains stuck in the air causing many serious illnesses, which the State spends about 132 million Egyptian Pounds for the treatment of illness. the environmental studies such as: (California Agriculture Magazine) proved that the burning of one ton of rice straw results in at least 56 kilograms of poison carbon monoxide, which covers the skies of Egypt in the month of October of each year, causing serious environmental pollution, and this is what Egypt suffered from in recent years, which is called, the problem of "black cloud"(33).
    * Burning of rice straw on agricultural soil makes the surface layer of a deaf, because it is kills billions of organisms, which helping agricultural soil.
    Second: the deterioration of soil due to pollution by chemical fertilizers, with a intensive agriculture there has been a continuing depletion of the food elements that existing in soil, especially nitrogen. studies have shown that a feddan of the located land in the ancient Egyptian village, "as in the study area " need about 10 tons / year of dung fertilizer "20 cubic meters," compared with 40 cubic meters for reclaimed land(34),one ton of dung fertilizer represent about 4 kg of Azot and 3 kg of phosphorus and 5 kg of potash and calcium, but the possibilities of dung is no longer available in only about 6.5% of the total village farmers - as noted by the researcher. In addition, ranchers collect cattle dung free of dirt to be sold to the owners of recent lands reclamation and the owners of modern gardens on the margins of the delta, at an expensive price figure (3). Farmer himself relies on the chemical fertilizers, especially nitrogen ones, and that has led to nitrate pollution, in addition to the phosphorus compounds lead to deposition of some rare elements existence in the soil which the plant need to grow and it convert them to non-soluble compounds. Soil contains bacteria and other micro-organisms that transform nitrogen of the fertilizer nitrate, and this increases the risk of nitrate contamination of soil, and at the same time the plant absorbs part of it and leaving the bulk in its water and soil. And there is a lack of balance between the nutrients within the plant, which leads to the accumulation of large amounts of nitrates in the leaves and roots, that causes change in the taste, smells and colors of vegetables and fruits. For example, beet stores 2134 mg / kg of nitrate, 3.3 mg / gm of nitrite , the carrot stores 183 mg / kg of Nitrite, spinach stores 442 mg / kg of nitrate and 3.2 mg / kg of Nitrite ,and cucumber stores 156 mg / kg of nitrate, and 8 mg Nitrite ... Etc.(35). seriousness of the use of chemical fertilizers interacts when they deposition the irrigation water, and go down to the groundwater and azote transforms to nitrate compounds, up to this form to drinking water, and then turn into the human stomach, and then to blood in the digestive system to produce methahemoglobin compound which prevents the entry of oxygen to the blood in the lungs, causing poisoning(36).

    Third: the pollution of the soil by insecticides, as it was for the intensive cultivation and crop condensation a prominent role in the establishment of each crop pests, which impose the need to use pesticides, that amounted to 7.6 kg / ha per year in Egypt compared to 2.8 kg / ha in Algeria, and 0.4 kg ha in Morocco, and 5.1 kg / ha in France, and 4 kg / ha in German, and 1.5 kg/ ha, Netherlands, And 4.9 kg / ha, United Kingdom, and 2 kg / ha the United States(37), Whether Material used to resist insect pests , fungal or grass, and any other lesion devour crops of food or clothes for human beings and crop spraying with pesticides to eradicate insects and pests and Sprayed soil itself of the elements of land degradation and agricultural environment, in general, is the use of the farmer to improve crop productivity using pesticides does not know much about its advantages or disadvantages, such as:
    1 - Organ phosphorus pesticides: parathion and malathion and Dyazevon pesticides are a very firm in the nature, and the time required for the disappearance of half the amount of pesticide, is nearly 20 days, and that pesticide are poisoning of human beings.
    2 - Hydrocarbon pesticides such as aldrin and compound of DDT are very persistent fat-soluble pesticides, and the time required for the disappearance of half the amount of pesticide is nearly two months, and it is also a catalyst for cancer.
    3 - Rodenticides such as zinc phosphide and conductors of coagulation causes an inflammation in the respiratory system, bloody urine and deadly tumors, also, there is much more toxic pesticides such as lead arsenate and calcium arsenate and copper oxides, mercuric pesticides. That methods of use affects on its survival in the soil, as the installation status of a pesticide emulsifier which is 6.5% remain after the passage of time in the use of the pesticide on the soil surface ,compared to 44% when the introduction of the pesticide in the soil, but if the installation of the DDT pesticide is granule when it is used on the surface of the soil ,13% of the pesticide remains in the soil, compared to 62% when the introduction of the pesticide in the soil(38) Moisture of soil has a positive impact on the disposal of excess pesticide in the soil. It became clear that water removes hepthachlorine and aldrin from granules of soil, leading to the evaporation of a large amount of it, and also, consequently the speed of escape. Also, high temperature of the soil affects positively on the speed of evaporation of the pesticide and non-existence between the grains of soil, also accumulation of the pesticide decreases with the existence of light, winds and temperatures, which influence the oxidation and reduction reactions and hydrolysis. That resulted in a much condensation in the village of agriculture that doesn’t allow for moisture ,temperature light and winds conditions to decompose of the pesticide and evaporate from soil, where you can plow the ground after harvest and left it to sun, wind , humidity and ventilation, but the urgent need for the subsequent planting season after the harvest and save time do not leave the ground for ventilation or tillage in most cases and in most areas between the crop and the other. That has been much well-observed during the field study of the searcher between the village scholar. that causes remaining the pesticide in the soil for as long as possible, such as the DDT pesticide, which can stay for 30 years in the soil due to the lack of melting. Studies have shown that tilling of the soil lead to increase the speed of the disappearance of the pesticide. Only 55.9% of DDT pesticide remained in the soil after the use of plow-land compared to 74.3% in non-cultivated soil(39).
    Fourth: the deterioration of the soil by poor agricultural drainage is a result of intensive agriculture with the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, permanent irrigation, the technique of the inundation of agricultural land with water more than the crops need, caused rising in the ground water level, in the absence of good agricultural drainage system, resulting in the rise of the accumulated salts in the soil by capillarity to the soil surface, causing salinity in many parts of it. The style of a bad agricultural drainage and poor scheduling of irrigation water in the village as Figure (4) in the salinity and alkalinity of the soil (soil alkalinity, meant a high degree
    of hydrogen- exponent to more than 8.5) and increase the proportion of toxicity resulting from the deposition of some ions such as sodium and chloride and boron and the low rate of absorption ,and some of other effects

    such as increasing nitrate ions and reduce the acidity of soil(40) many of the data indicates that areas of low salinity has reduced of productivity by about 10%, compared to 20% of the agricultural land of medium salinity, and 30% of high soil salinity, and about 50% of too high soil salinity(41).
    Thus helped to the adverse impact of that phenomenon of pollution of water surface by agricultural pesticides and chemical fertilizers, which are now stored with the groundwater to be found by future generations ,if it is not used by the current generation(42) sources of Groundwater, in the Nile Valley and Nile Delta, are the same(43).So the causes of the groundwater pollution are resulted from agricultural operations, such as the addition of fertilizers and pesticides in addition to leakage of organic or chemical materials of sewage that injected in the soil long ago. Organic fertilizers play the same threat to human health in that field if there is no decay, as it contains coli Bactria and viruses(44) sewage of many of the houses directly on the key and sub-canals of the village,, also assisted on the increasing the negative effects, as in Figure (5), that disposed of sewage of the houses on those canals directly and without any treatment which would result in the accumulation of heavy metals and micro-elements in the formulations of high plant tissue and causing damage to humans and the soil(45).
    Fifth: updating the rural housing construction and encroachment on agricultural land and its declination in the light of technological progress and improvement in standard of living to increase in the rates of daily consumption, which was followed by a rise in the proportion of solid waste of the garbage, paper, plastic and glass and empty cans and remnants of food, and in the absence of an optimal method to dispose of these wastes ,so they are disposed of in a poor and irresponsible , With the disappearance of empty areas and ponds, which were among the residential block in the village, to where he was all remnants of the village, the village's residents threw their own waste in water irrigation canals and in channels for agricultural drainage,
    in the figure(6). when the wastes exposes to water, or transfers to soil through water that irrigated the plant,they pollute soil, water and groundwater below, in addition to the backward gases resulting
    from analysis of the polluted ambient air, in addition to the fact that they cause many diseases. In the study, municipal solid waste from rural areas has, the following percentages: 25% garbage, agricultural residues 5.8%, manufactured remnants 10.3%, health care waste 0.03%, remnants of building demolition 6.7%, and remnants of canals and clearing banks 48.8%, in addition the data had indicated ,proved the continuous increasing of the daily per capita waste in the countryside, that increased to 0.6 kg / capita per day in 1990 1 kg / capita per day in 2006(46).
    The gravity of the solid waste is that the items contain chemical compounds, such as compounds of hydrogen and hydrocarbons and aromatic compounds boleichlorenitd bayevinyaz which are compounds used in some industries such as paper that is one of the most dangerous pollutants of soil and water, where the damage to humans animals, aquatic organisms

    and soil organisms. Compounds of chlorphenol that are used in the preservation of wood, and some of which are used in making soap and removers which is the most serious pollutants for water and soil, and causing damage to public health in humans and animals, and there are compounds of chadmiom resulting from the remnants of plastic and batteries, that pollutes soil and the water in different ways (47).


    after the previous show we note the following:
    1 - There is a permanent and continuous risk of old agricultural land, which will be eroded because of the continuing urban encroachment, which did not stop even if the physical process was codified. Because of the increasing in population, the nature of the Egyptian densely populated village, since the beginning. However, some Egyptian village, of seven thousand people are small villages ,there are some villages up to 50 thousand and 100 thousand, while the size of the regular village in western Europe for instance, no more than 12 houses and sometimes a few hundred people, and the population of the city in western Europe, for example is about 3000 people.
    2 - it must be plans working on the unloading of the narrow valley of the population and to provide real attractive ways in the border provinces of the rare population, or the old areas of agricultural land would erode.
    And that followed by the intensification of agriculture, which increases pollution and environmental degradation of Egyptian soils, particularly if we know that the proportion of human waste in the village is increasing with an annual rate of 2.5%.
    3 – it is necessary to put a plan to impose and save the environment from the random extension of the village ,through laying the foundations of proper planning and design of comprehensive rural development plans, taking into account the proper planning of the construction bloc in line with the sustainability of urban growth and required construction development.
    4 - Sense of environmental and public awareness must be shown to local communities involved in development and guide public attitudes and lifestyles compatible with the environment.
    5 - There is an urgent need to study the modern global concepts of planning village, of a modern model fit with the village of the twenty-one century ,such as, sustainable and environment-friendly farming villages and environment-friendly housing, and attempts to apply the appropriate corresponding international experience in developing countries.
    6 - Mahallat Abu Ali is characterized by the very rapid growth as the village suburb of Mahala city, as well as its rural hinterland , as the annual rate of urbanization has reached 1.3% of the peripheral of the village , that while the general construction on the cultivated area in Egypt is estimated annually between 0.69% - 0.35%, meaning that there is increasing in construction, of the village, more than 1.6% annually.
    7 –It is necessary to provide factors of population attraction for young, especially in new communities so the erosion of agricultural land becomes limited. The research study showed that the rate of urbanization that takes place in the village would eat the whole agricultural area during only 490 years. With the disappearance of rural features completely.


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    15 -, the Egyptian Academy of Agriculture who estimated the cost of reclamation of a feddan, which is irrigated through the ground water, between 20-30 thousand pounds, according to prices of 2007.
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    33 -Ali El Sayeed Abul Magd,and Mohammed Ahmed El Sayeed Shteiwi, development and evaluation process to squeeze the rice straw,p. 64.
    34 -Fathy Ismail Ali Houky, the use of agricultural residues to produce organic fertilizers of high value, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, p. 27.
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    36 -World Health Organization identified limit is part of 0.1 million only.
    37-on: plan of Environmental action in Egypt, Environmental Affairs Agency "1992.
    38-Research of water, land and the environment Institute.
    39-(The same site of the former).
    40 -Research of water, land and the environment Institute, the same site of the former.
    41- http://www.sgpefegypt.org/Iandnil.html .
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    44-Fetian Rasheed Rawy, groundwater pollution And geophysical methods to identify http://www.26sep.net
    45-one of the most important studies that were conducted by the Green Mountain farm that is irrigated with water of sewage for the city of Cairo since 1911, after a preliminary purification of sedimentation basins, and found that the proportion of nitrogen in soil is, 135 mg / kg soil, phosphorus and 114 mg / kg soil, and 323 mg zinc / kg soil, and shot 42.2mg/kg soil, Potassium and 334 mg / kg soil, despite the increase in land productivity of crops and increase the proportion of organic matter in the surface layer of soil from 0.1 to 0.5%, and improve their properties and increase their capacity to retain water. On: Report of the Research Institute of land and water environment.vercon.seieg /indexul/uplandpolution.htm.
    46 - Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, Statistical Yearbook, December 2008, p. 479. And the ratios of expense of the researcher.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الخميس نوفمبر 21, 2024 5:04 pm